HomeOn The TrailON THE TRAIL


ON THE TRAIL — 2 Comments

  1. What a great ministry! I think it’s so important to tell everyone about God’s love, and that means we have to go where the people are. Best of luck in your ministry.

  2. I am from the North and saw Cowboy Churches for the first time two months ago on the Cowboy Channel. This was a station like no other and I love to watch it. It was surprising to learn that rodeo\’s are so big in the West. Also, it amazed me that Cowboys really can be true devout Christians.
    When I would see Cowboys on tv in all those Westerns like Gunsmoke, The Virginian, Rawhide and the many others I watch; it was my belief that Cowboys like to drink and get in fights to show how tough they are. When I listened to some of the music and saw that many of them kneel before the Cross in humility, it made me very happy.
    I believe in the same things you do. However, do you think we who worship in the traditional Churches are wrong? If I get to Texas I would like to visit one of your Churches. Will I be welcome? I do not wear Cowboy boots or a hat. I\’m not a Cowboy. I dress the way I do and will not change it. I wonder if I would be out of place in a Cowboy Church.
    Every Sunday after I go to my Church, I watch Cowboy Church on the Cowboy Channel. The Lonestar Cowboy Church has many videos and I was amazed how talented they are and the other Cowboy Videos I saw.
    Your faith is pure and down to earth and I say in all sincerity I have hope that Christianity is still strong in parts of our country. I would like to hear from you!

    God bless all of you,


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