HomeNewslettersGod’s Report From The Cross- Whose Report Will Do You Believe?


God’s Report From The Cross- Whose Report Will Do You Believe? — 1 Comment

  1. Watch an outstanding Bible study on TV, nationwide. Call 1-800-643-4645 for the channels in your area, also online. They take prayer requests and have a free CD and newsletter. Shepherd’s Chapel is a nondenominational study of the KJV Bible, chapter by chapter. Pastor Arnold Murray has doctorates in the original Biblical manuscripts “Textus Receptus”, and the original Biblical languages. He reads through the whole book of the Bible, explaining what the key words in each verse mean, making God’s Word easy to understand; kids love it. This is the best Bible study we’ve ever seen. It’s for Christians who want to study very deeply. He is an expert Biblical anthropologist and an expert Bible scholar of 60 years. He answers letters that people write in, as well. He is very supportive of women, and corrects many mistranslations that make women feel unloved by God, like second class citzens. Pastor Murray is a U.S. Marine Corps. combat vet. He fought in WW2, Korea, and Vietnam. He never asks for money nor takes a salary from the church where he is the pastor, nor does he receive any money from his TV program. He supports his family with farming and ranching. God uses many terminologies that relates to farming and animal husbandry; our Father, calls Himself, a God of War, and wants us to be soldiers for Christ,and uses many terminologies of war; Pastor Murrary is able to explain all of this.

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